Activating our Capital to Redefine Wealth

Investment Approach

RGI has a unique perspective on capital and how we invest it.

We aim to responsibly manage and grow our financial assets. We do this through identifying partners with the highest levels of integrity, and we carefully curate each project. Above all else, we prioritize our values, and we seek out partners whose business philosophies align with ours. We invest with the long term in mind, and our hope is to build a lasting legacy. In all we do, we strive to redefine how we view wealth: it is so much more than obtaining pure financial returns. Instead, we see it as a venue for us to enhance our relationships, society, and planet for future generations.

RGI’s approach is based on a framework we call 4D Wealth.
The four dimensions of wealth are:

  • Financial Discernment – Our investments are competitive, and we take into close consideration risk-adjusted financial returns.
  • Relational Depth – We believe that investing can deepen connections between people through values-driven, thoughtful interactions.
  • Social Impact – We stand firmly behind investments that produce tangible benefits in the society and in the planet.
  • Innovative Solutions – We approach challenges in investing with creative problem solving to achieve a win-win solution for all parties involved.

Our intention is to optimize these four aspects of wealth. We believe that this will increase financial returns and lead to sustainable projects. Our goal is to build thriving investments to fruition that demonstrate strength in each category of our 4D Wealth.